Okay sorry I wiull be more specific in my emails I guess. SO this week was really really really good. Hahah holy cow the weeks are flying, Its already P day and Im already wrtiting you again this is justso weird. But mom listen up this is the scoop on my life in Brazil... We have some really awesome investigators. Right now we have Laercio and Fabiano.... IM GOING TO BAPTIZE THEM THIS SATURDAY!!!! My first baptism holy cow Im so ecited! Elder Maia and I worked with them and they have super solid testimonies so sinceriously pray for them that the enemy won't pull them away from this path and that they can follow the example of our Savior and be baptize and receive the Holy Ghost. I am so excited for them and they are so excited too. Also, we are teaching another family of Damnian and Nina... They are scheduled to be baptized on the 28th and Im pretty sure about that one. Not 100 percent but I really hope its follows through. Nina has a bit of a smoking problem but besides that they are good, they love the church and when we visit, so pray that they can stay strong and quit smoking :)
Other than that we dont have a ton of investigators, we have been being blessed with lots of people to receive though! The only thing is I need to not be afraid to open my mouth with anyone. I hate passing people on the road without talking to them haha I feel so bad because everyone devserves a chance to hear about this awesome gospel.
YO I gave a talk this sunday about theSabbath day and missionary work and it was straight fire. I was preaching that gospel for like a solid 20 minutes up there without difficulty, thanks to that gift of tongues :) Hahaha
Mommio update on me... I currently weigh 175 pounds when I left I was160 haha, its because the people refuse to let me leave the table without eating like 3 full plates of meat, rice and beans and then i always a dessert! Hahah Im doing just fine with that. Also funny story, my compaion was reading in Romans the other day... You need to look up this scripture you will die laughing because you know how I have really ugly feet and compass toes? This scriptures talk about it a little bit. My comp read romans 10:15 and said this scripture is a lie for me. GO READ IT!!! hahaha
Well this week was good, I try to improve more and more every week, I love you soo much and the family. I hope you get better... AND ENJOY YOUR CRUISE
-Love , Elder Worthen